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本帖最后由 sweetbasil 于 2016-11-29 15:36 编辑
你的孤陋寡闻还好意思在这不断的信口开河,所有的结论都是听说听说听听说,要见过的不过是几个过去的那 ...
钢铁牛 发表于 2016-11-25 07:58

到底是谁孤陋寡闻胡说八道啊? 失业救济金不是救助, OK? 这笔钱来自于失业救济金申请人的前雇主或前前雇主或前前前雇主看你是在哪个雇主的时间长,每个雇主在每个pay period都会为每一个员工存失业保障金,这笔钱在员工的paycheck上看不到, 但是在雇主的accounting 文件上会列有这笔支出。

我不是20/30年前的留学生当然不是我的亲身经历, 但是我的长辈我的学长我的老师都是这条路上走过来的, 我没必要写出来他们姓氏名谁吧, 你爱信不信。

你呢,就别在网上道听途说了, 很多中文网上的关于美国福利系统的东东基本是像你这样的一知半解人的瞎奏胡扯。

本帖最后由 sweetbasil 于 2016-11-29 15:02 编辑
哈佛大学2015年底 ...
钢铁牛 发表于 2016-11-25 08:26


The University of California's projected operating revenue for 2011-12 is $22.5B. The state of California provided 11% of the UC's 2011-12 budget

Restricted funding
Currently, ~73% of the annual budget of the UC comes from restricted funding sources.
27% ($5.987B): UC medical centers
19% ($4.312B): Sales, services and auxiliaries funds (these funds include revenue from university cultural centers such as theaters and museums, UC Extension, clinics and other activities)
18% ($3.972B): Government contracts & grants
7% ($1.675B): Private funds
2% ($409M): Other sources

Unrestricted funding[edit]
~27% of the UC annual budget comes from unrestricted funding sources. Unrestricted funding sources support core operations.
11% ($2.374B): State General Funds (39% of core operation funds)
13% ($2.965B): Student fees (tuition and other fees) (48% of core operation funds)
4% ($792M): UC General Funds (13% of core operation funds)

州外学费(国际学生)是算在UC General Funds里, 近年比重越来越大