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[技术分析] How I predict?

1) using Matched Pattern from 2000 stocks in last 5 years, matched the pattern of SPX over last 3 days,  found similar patterns.
2) Use all matched patterns and perform Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation, burning-in of first 1000 simulation to reduce predict errors.
3) APPLIED different weight, most recent data with higher weight and perform Bayesian adjustment.
4) Perform Bootstrap simulation to get p values and prediction confidences.

Knowledge need: Bayesian Analyses, Linear model, Pattern analyses, MCMC simulation, Bootstrap simulation, SAS, JAVA, GRAPH, finance knowledge....

Each run cover 2000 stocks*average 30 matched patterns*10000 MCMC simulations * 10000 Bootstrap simulations.

If you have better suggestion, welcomed to suggest.

The basic assumptions are:

1) MM will repeat their manipulations over history.
2) There are no sudden un-predicted big events happened.
回复 2# DUH

    系统写了近4年, 最近比较完善了, 后台运行, 不需要我管了。
大家这么快都变成秀才了, 俺还是童生呀
这需要一定的 统计, IT,  数学, 金融知识, 外加对大盘的一些直觉, 没必要尝试。按你的理解去做就好了。
回复 14# attm

I used daily to predict short term; Use weekly to predict mid-term.

It works for short-term, mid-term (Like I predicted oil = 40-43, GLD = 109 before using weekly pattern). Sometimes it works better, sometime it works worse, like today, 7+ points off upper bound, and Monday, 12 points off lower bound.

I did not tried long-term yet, since maximum holding time for me are half year, never more than 1 year, so I do not need long-term.

I think I provided enough information, others you need to figure out by yourself.

回复 20# oldhorse

   马大大回归了, 多指教呀。。。。。。
回复 22# oldhorse

回复 34# greatwallmerlin

回复 41# DUH

回复 50# mitwkwk

回复 47# start168

  generalized linear model 不能用,任何parametric 统计方法都会把你带到无止境的穷途末路。
回复 49# mitwkwk
