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Someone might be expecting around a 150-point decline in the S&P 500 Index (SPX) this week, with the second largest open interest off all weekly options located at the SPX 1275 put strike that expires on October 26th.  It is difficut to tell whether it is sell (to open) or buy (to open) volume that created the majority of this open interest, as the percentage that went off at the bid and ask were 45% and 37%, respectively on 10/19.   On 10/17, 65% of the 3,202 volume went off at the ask, indicating that someone is expecting a sharp downturn.
AGG 昨天 iv 60 4.0+,伴随着奇少的交易量。预示着底部。股市相应来说,预示着短期顶部。
明天,10月24号,是1929 股市大崩盘 黑色星期四83 周年。
回复 8# not4weak

那天开盘就跌了11%, 但是当日走的是小V。 四天以后又开跌了。。。
8 out last 21days distribution days.