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[公告] 談修養

這個YYB裡面 偶唯一沒事逗著好玩的就是小威了 偶一點惡意都沒 甚至偶有時會好心相勸於他

你們有看帖的人問問 那個時候偶關心過 誰買什麼誰賣甚麼?
你們再問問 那個時候偶關心過 誰做多或誰做空?  偶全都不 care!
你們再問問 那個時候偶關心過 誰賺誰賠?

一般人胡扯亂講 偶都連看都不想看

偶也和老秋對幹過 但他並未發飆
偶不知老秋她如何想 也許她認為無所謂 或她有較修養
但有可能老秋是這YYB裡 偶看得上眼的人物
你看你看 這就是小威可愛(特惹人逗)的地方
snowrider 发表于 2012-1-24 12:39

man, be literary, be mature...
good, happy ski,
tfmegatron 发表于 2012-1-24 12:37

你看你看 這就是小威可愛(特惹人逗)的地方
好了 不要吵了 偶明天和後天都去滑雪去了 今天還是開開心心看盤
snowrider 发表于 2012-1-24 12:34

good, happy ski,
I was not fighting with you, I was listing the facts, if you don't intentionally mention me any  ...
tfmegatron 发表于 2012-1-24 12:22

好了 不要吵了 偶明天和後天都去滑雪去了 今天還是開開心心看盤
... 你精神真好 三更半夜還忙著吵 ... 難道你就沒有 mentioned my name in your posts? 人總是看見別人 ...
snowrider 发表于 2012-1-24 08:57

I was not fighting with you, I was listing the facts, if you don't intentionally mention me any more, everything will be ok like nothing happened, all right?
the problem is that you mentioned me in most of your posts. Never ever mention me any more, you  ...
tfmegatron 发表于 2012-1-24 01:29

<sigh> ... 你精神真好 三更半夜還忙著吵 ... 難道你就沒有 mentioned my name in your posts? 人總是看見別人眼中的刺 卻看不見自己眼中的梁柱
偶舉例說DQ有人喜歡到處吵 你怎麼扯到偶身上來?

好了 你修養好 那就請你克制 不要再扯到偶 也不要再回偶帖
(你以前犯過N次 請這次不要再犯)
snowrider 发表于 2012-1-24 01:20

the problem is that you mentioned me in most of your posts. Never ever mention me any more, you can do whatever you want.
then simply go back to DQ,  this is not where you think to be and you should not be here...
tfmegatron 发表于 2012-1-24 00:42

偶舉例說DQ有人喜歡到處吵 你怎麼扯到偶身上來?

好了 你修養好 那就請你克制 不要再扯到偶 也不要再回偶帖
(你以前犯過N次 請這次不要再犯)
本帖最后由 tfmegatron 于 2012-1-24 00:43 编辑
這論壇嗎 不就是給人聊天加吵架的地方嗎?
你看看像DQ的一些人不是就這裡吵吵再換別處吵 ...
snowrider 发表于 2012-1-24 00:40

then simply go back to DQ,  this is not where you think to be and you should not be here...
your EQ is as low as your IQ, please stop it.
tfmegatron 发表于 2012-1-24 00:24

這論壇嗎 不就是給人聊天加吵架的地方嗎?
小威你拜託 偶已好久沒招惹你了 請你也不要招惹偶
snowrider 发表于 2012-1-24 00:37

I am tired of arguing with you any more, not funny at all, please simply stop it, final.
your EQ is as low as your IQ, please stop it.
tfmegatron 发表于 2012-1-24 00:24

小威你拜託 偶已好久沒招惹你了 請你也不要招惹偶  
本帖最后由 tfmegatron 于 2012-1-24 00:26 编辑
1. He is always (most of the time) available (online).
2. He has some buttons so that you can push and get some predictable results.
snowrider 发表于 2012-1-24 00:02

your EQ is as low as your IQ, please stop it.
dvork 发表于 2012-1-23 21:40

1. He is always (most of the time) available (online).
2. He has some buttons so that you can push and get some predictable results.